
John is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Gospel of John, full of striking language and symbolism, is familiar to many as a sourcebook of favorite quotations. It is far more difficult to read this complex and subtle Gospel as a coherent whole on its own terms. In this volume, Jo-Ann A. Bryant, an expert on John’s dramatic rhetoric, helps students and pastors do just that.

Writing [one of the Ketubim] said, ‘Out of his belly will gush rivers of living water’ ” (7:38). The awkward construction allows the belly to belong to either the believer or Jesus. This translation throws the accent on Jesus by repeating the invitation in 7:37 and treating the fulfillment text as yet another example of Scripture’s witness to Jesus (see 5:39–40). Maarten J. J. Menken (1996) suggests that Jesus refers to Ps. 77:16, 20 LXX (= 78:16, 20 Eng.), with the addition of the epithet “living”
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